dr D.J.Henstra,

The evolution of the money standard in medieval Frisia:
a treatise on the history of the systems of money of account
in the former Frisia (c.600-c.1500)

"Frisia" basically used to be the strip of wetlands located along the present day Dutch and German North Sea coasts. (see map)
During the Middle Ages Frisia was very hard to access over land but it had a strategic position for sea trade. The Frisians thus maintained a high standard of living in a state of independence. Neither kings and emperors, nor lower noblemen succeeded in subjecting them. In fact there was no central authority in Frisia,

the forces of economic and judicial nature ruled freely.

This historical study aims at indicating invariants in an unguided evolution like in this 'Free-sian' case. It centers around the 'wergeld' hypothesis which may explain some, so far poorly understood, historically legal phenomena from an evolutionary monetary perspective.